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WHY is this not considered trolling by the mods? Why!? he's even online and don't reply to his own thread, that's trolling proof number one. This is troll thread number one... You all know this fella ain't rooting for the PSP brand to get better, he just want to hate on Sony. Like this guy really think it's sad that the PSP brand is doing "bad"? don't make me LAUGH, he loves it! he's even wrong about everything he says... Look at SONY's PSP coverage on EVERY GODDAMN E3. They dedicate like half their press conference to this "forgotten" brand....

Everyday we see people get banned for almost no reason or for actually posting honest opinions with a little bit of feisty wording to it, but this guy gets to continue to spew crap and stealth troll all he wants. it's like the mods are too blind to notice the stealth trolling going on on these forums, because I see a lot of it going on and there are NEVER any action taken against it (i could even call these elitist bastards out, but I'm not. because if I do... BANNED!!!). does it have to be out in the open trolling? does one have to be man enough to come out clean and speak you gut in order to get banned? it's getting too fucking silly... you should really get some more intelligent mods on these forums, who actually can read people and call them out for what they really are....

I'll probably get banned for calling this guy out, "dissing" the allmighty mods or not writing on topic (WHAT TOPIC???!?!?!!) before he even gets a warning for his flaming/trolling or whatever you call this crap.. it's sad, very sad... I guess it's time to say my goodbyes... again, because this shit is getting ridiculous...

I wonder if I, a "Sony fan", went to the Xbox forums to call MS out on how they ditched the XBOX, yada, yada, yada (which is actually true, unlike this OP). Or maybe speak my mind about LIVE, RROD, Disc Scratching.. yea, I would probably last 5 seconds on the forum after clicking POST/MAKE THREAD or whatever... and of course... the thread would be locked for flaming/trolling in NO TIME.. now, for this thread, 2 hours later... NOTHING.... Not even a post from a mod....

EDIT: This post has been moderated for flaming. -d1