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The final [edit: FINAL] vote is [7] to 5 in favor of vanilla. 

But I can't resist telling you what you missed out on.  You may comment on whether or not you think the game would have been any good; I would actually appreciate the evaluation. 


Beryl:  Leader of the mafia
Jadeite:  mafia
Zoicite:  mafia  Everyone thinks you are a girl due to the anime dub!  (undecided feature:  If your lover Kunzite dies, you too will surely die of grief.)
Nephrite:  mafia Thanks to mystical powers, you can divine from the stars what someone will do -- and stop them!  (block)
Kunzite:  mafia

Sailor Moon:  Your attack, Moon Healing Escalation, will only kill someone if they're evil!  But it takes so long to cast, you cannot use it on the first night or consecutive nights. 
Sailor Mercury:  Your attack, Shabon Spray, will stop the target in their tracks.  (block)
Minako Aino:  You are boy-crazy!  You can tell if someone is a man.  (Hidden exception:  Zoicite.  Also, Artemis wouldn't count, being a cat.) 
Makoto Kino:  You are a great cook.  If your target drools when given your cooking, she is either Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon) or Rini (Usagi's daughter from the future). 
Rei Hino:  You can do a fire reading to check up on what people are doing.  (tracker)
Sailor Mini-Moon:  (aka Rini) You have a really bad feeling about your friend Hotaru.  You have to find her!  (psychiatrist)
Luna:  You can warn the senshi about some danger you fear will strike someone.  But if you are wrong twice, they will stop listening to your nagging!  (doctor that can lose powers)
Artemis:  You are Central Command:  send a message for the senshi to find in the morning! 
Tuxedo Mask:  You cheer Sailor Moon on from the sidelines (sorry, no power).  (hidden miller, see Minako)
Sailor Uranus:  (See Neptune)
Sailor Neptune:  You and your lover Uranus, (name), are lovers with the Pillow Talk ability to talk at night.  (Masons)
Sailor Pluto:  (I hadn't decided her yet)
Naru Osaka:  You visit people at night.  Any monsters that attack inevitably attack you!  (bodyguard)

Mistress 9:  You have possessed Hotaru Tomoe aka Sailor Saturn and are free to wreak your destruction upon the world at night.  If you are still around by Night 5 you will join forces with the Dark Kingdom (become a mafia). 

I realized when I was writing out the roles that I was giving the town a lot and the mafia not much at all -- actually I hurt them with their only special character.  (In fact as I write this I realize it would have forced quite a bit of creativity on any scum trying to roleclaim.)  But I didn't want to change that, so I figured it might balance things out to have an SK that will join the mafia.  Please do comment on whether you think I succeeded. 

I will be working on the actual game now. 

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom!