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The best Star Wars movie!

Episode 2's disappointment was it could always have not been good.

However all my fears were put to rest....the opening itself was so epic.....the combination of special, effects, scale and music gave us the best opening in a Star Wars movie ever!

There were chears in the theatre when the two jedi fighters came out on to the space battlefield {I was smiling like an idiot when that happened}, I had only heard cheers for yoda opening his lightsaber in Episode 2 thus far...

There was a real sense of urgency and a sense of foreboding throughout the movie. Everyone in the cinema hall knew what was going to happen....everyone.

Other highlights of the movie include:

- The whole scene before Mace windu confronts Palpatine......the whole music thing with Anakin/ was obvious what a dilemna Anakin was in at the point, and John williams ever fantastic soundtrack made us sure of his throughts.

- Then the whole Mace Windu vs Darth Sidious....Mace Windu's death (gave me chills).....Palpatine's transformation into the Emperor along with the music and his order's given tot he newly christened Darth Vader (Hayden acted very well in the scene....but was overshadowed by McDiarmid excellent acting.

- Then of course one of the most emotional scenes ever


The entire order 66 sequence was very very moving.  (and the scene before it with anakin marching into the temple)

The hope of the galaxy had been destroyed....and it was so awesome seeing Yoda realize this slowly and cutting the clonetroopers heads off.....but after that we see the last of the Jedi in the temple being killed.....and the children (a scene not done well lol).

From that scene on the movie never stopped being one of the best things ever.

The absolute peak was Yoda Vs sidious

I really think that was the big surprise of Episode 3.....we knew anakin/obi-wan were gonna fight....their fight was advertised through posters and what not.....but the Palpatine/Yoda fight was even better than it. In fact when the fights were like cut in between to show the other one....I always wanted the Anakin/Obi-Wan bit to end to see how the Yoda/Sidious fight progresses!!!

Especially when Palpatine was throwing the compartments in the senate hall on Yoda....basically signifying the death of Democracy.....telling Yoda and the audience what he had done to the republic.....evil had conquered!


I remember the audience clapping at the start of this fight. Epic duel!!!!

Next after all the fights Anakin's conversion to Darth Vader in conjuction with the scene with Padme's death....and when they put the mask on drop silence was there in the audience till we heard the first breath!


Padme's death was very sad too....especially her funeral where she had that locket on her that anakin made for her in Episode 1.....and the fake pregnant stomach.

The ending was fitting....we saw the Emperor and Darth Vader oberlooking the construction of the Death Star...which apparently took 20 years to build.

Very few bad things about this movie include the "Nooo" at the end of what could have been the best scene ever, Padme's death..why did she die? Surely they could have just said when anakin gripped her and she fell which led to internal bleeding..or something like that...

A fantastic movie that redeemed Star Wars for my dad....made sure I stayed a fan and it was the only Star Wars movie to see a rise in Box Office collections over its predecessor so the world agreed too!

I have to date never had a better experience at the cinema's than I had while watching this film.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey