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Notorius.A.i.G said:

I'm still unsure. Theirs only one game that I find interesting that's out ( Sports Champions ) and one game that I thought would be the Move's first A - AA title is getting terrible - average reviews ( The Fight : Lights Out ).

I would ignore the reviews from both IGN and Video Gamer if I were you, and watch the iWaggle review here.

After I read the first two reviews I thought that the game had broken controls and no online multiplayer so decided against buying it. Someone from the IGN forums gave everyone the link above to look at and it changed my views completely. The controls are 1:1 with no lag and the physics of the game working correctly only make it appear to be non-responsive. The IGN review was also a dozy twonk who incorrectly pressed the O button and put his hands up to his face to block punches, whereas pressing the O button and holding the Move controllers to your chest calibrates the Move he was incorrectly calibrating the controls every time he was blocking lol. No wonder he was having control issues!

It's looking like there's a good amount of skill involved in playing the game well, you need to find your distance before releasing punches just like the real thing. When caught inside you need to use short uppercuts and hooks to the body and head, again, just like the real thing. I think a lot of review scores are going to be low on this one not because the game is bad or the controls are broken but because reviewers can't punch their way out of a paper bag lol.

After seeing the iWaggle review and seeing the TSA review it's definitely on my must-buy list.