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Yup, I bought the Move Starter Pack and a Nav controller and I'm very happy with it so far. My main worry was lag due to every video demonstration of it showing between 1/5 of a second to 1/3 of a seconds worth of lag. My worries were unfounded I'm glad to say, Sports Champions Resort demo on the Blu-Ray you get with it has no lag at all, and judging by the Sixth Axis review of The Fight Lights Out that game is also lag-free.

I haven't tried MAG or Heavy Rain yet but Resident Evil 5 is completely transformed by pointer controls, the same way that Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition was. Playing the game with pointer controls makes using dual anlog controls to play afterwards feel clunky by comparison. Judging by what people have said about MAG (and my own experience with FPS games on the Wii with pointer controls) the same can be said about FPS games too.

I'm getting MAG, Sports Champions Resort and Start The Party next month and I'll be getting The Fight Lights Out before Chrimbo. I've been a Wii owner since it launched and I'm so glad that the PS3 has joined the 21st Century lol