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You're a fag in my books. Lolz jks man :D.


But seriously, You can't say you did the right thing from those three situations.

Sharing is Caring!!!

1) I seriously don't see why you wouldn't want your older brother to play your PS3. Even if you're not in talking terms, should at least let him play. Imagine if you were in his shoes, wanting to play NBA 2K11 so bad but your younger brother hides his controller.

2) Dude who gives a shit? Games are about having fun and playing them. You shouldn't really care whether she can understand the story or game. Maybe show her how the gameplay works and just let her do whatever she wants. You might be old enough to understand the game and see the value of playing FF VII but you're sister will see FF VII differently to you. She might have fun talking with the villagers or something which you might find boring.

3) You should've not had eaten them in front of him. Why? Because you dad obviously wanted to eat some as well but you refused and eating something like that in front of someone can be quite annoying for the opposite person.