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The Ghost of RubangB said:
gergroy said:

Am I the only one that doesn't find the 3ds lineup appealing?  I mean, half the freaking games are just ports or remakes.  Shouldn't that wait until after the system has proved itself with its own set of games?  

I was excited about the 3ds before I found out the price and the games, I usually buy systems right when they come out, but I think the 3ds just got set on the backburner.

I am excited for layton vs wright though.  

That list is 70% new games!

New Pilotwings (first in 15 years)
New Kid Icarus (first in 20 years)
New Paper Mario (first regular Paper Mario in 7 years)
New Animal Crossing
New Mario Kart
New Resident Evil
New Professor Layton

The 3 remakes are also pretty popular, and make more sense than stuff like God of War Collection, which was an HD facelift 4 years after God of War 1 and 2 years after God of War 2.

When the 3DS comes out, Metal Gear Solid 3 will be 7 years old, Ocarina of Time will be 13 years old, and Star Fox 64 will be 14 years old.

I mean, yeah, it's 90% sequels, and 9% remakes, but I think it's the best and most diverse launch lineup I've ever seen.  And the original games will follow all the big franchises.  I mean, Nintendogs sold 23 million and hasn't had a sequel for 6 years.  And come on... Layton vs. Wright.  That's like a double sequel.  This launch lineup is ridiculous.

still, this entire list is old franchises.  I would love if nintendo could create a new game (maybe a new character franchise).  I think Nintendo is great and all, but they have these franchises that they stick to and don't really work hard on creating new IP.  A system launch is always the best time to create a new IP, as limited selection means people are more willing to give a new franchise a chance.  

I just feel like instead investing in the work to make some new games, Nintendo just brushed off some old IP's.  Which kind of sucks.  This is why I'm not very excited about the lineup.  As most of these games are going to be similar to games that nintendo already has out, they are just going to be using the 3d gimmick.  

and 3 remakes in a launch is a lot.