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ZenfoldorVGI said:
vlad321 said:

It's funny, because nothing I said is elitist, just the plain, brutal truth of how things stand. You also proved my point in the last half, they can do whatever they want, so they milk their playerbase. As far as I can remember, Diablo2: LoD is the Best exapnsion I have ever bought, ever, so far and it only cost me $30. I remember thinking "Holy Shit $30 instead of $25" but I did buy it and it was just mind blowing how much they improved. So far, Cata doesn't seem to be nowehere near as amazing as LoD unless they pull some serious rrabbits out of their hats before Beta ends and it goes live. SC2 is ajust a pathetic excuse for a game, I would have been feeling ripped even if I had paid $50, the game was worth $40 through and through.

I saw your thread (really shitty cpu for the gpu you have btw) and I hope you realize all new games from Blizzard can run on at least 5 year old mediocre models. I remembe being able to play WC3 on a mediocre machine from '98. when it first came out. Also, WoW is a fairly decent game, however it is just 1 game, and honestly their patches ave been hit or miss. It feels like now they are just rolling out patches because theu feel like, so when they have everythign kind of balanced out, they purposefully unbalance it somehow so they can "fix it" later on. Another disgusting practice on Blizzard's side.

Edit: Blizzard has always had "easy to play ahrd to master" games, however SC2 is more or less "easy to play, easy to master" as well, again. I'm terrible in RTS and I can beat more than 75% of the people it seems, the only explanation is that they dumbed it down for all the noobs to play. It's the same as FPS getting slower so all the chobs could keep up with people.

Well, I can't comment on RTS games, and I haven't played Starcraft. Also, I might have been a little overblown with my elitist comment and I apoligize. However, I do think your comments were a little pointlessly harsh. Reminds me of a raid leader I once knew who would kick people because he thought they rolled the wrong race for a respective class.

As for my 965, lol, you are the first person I've ever heard call that a "shitty" part. With the possible exception of the (imo) sidegrade X6, I'd have to say it is AMD's best gaming processor, and while "bottlenecking" is highly relative, and different depending on the game, I think it's safe to say that the 965 is more than sufficient for 60 fps on any currently released game that I would be interested in. My mobo is the AM3 socket, so I will upgrade when AMD finally releases a better processor. I'm a little shocked that you are suggesting I go Intel. Talk about milking their customers. I could buy my 965, and in the future by an as of yet unreleased upgrade from AMD and still get off cheaper than I would if I went with some of the i7s. Intel hasn't decreased their price because they don't feel they have to. It is ironic that you flame blizzard for milking 10 extra bucks out of an Xpak and then in the same breath recommend Intel.

FYI, if the processor ever causes me to bottleneck a game I'm playing at below 60fps, then I'll upgrade it(if a better processor is out by then).

Also, I'm not sure, but I think you think I ended up going with the 480. I actually reduced that card to a 6870(see my newegg review, lol), from Sapphire. Great card. The crossfire scaling on that card is sick, so I'll probably Xfire a couple of those before it is all said and done(maybe when AMD goes next gen with their CPUs). I support AMD, so yeah, I'm very satisfied with my rig, and with that AM3 socket and 2x 16xPCIe slots that don't share bandwidth, it's forseeably futureproof from an upgrade perspective, so yeah. I thought it through, and sought advice. Trust me. I realize the 480 was too much card for my needs atm, and I'm glad I didn't add that spaceheater to my case. When an upgrade becomes necessary, it'll take me less than 5 minutes to drop a new CPU into that system.

Well I do kick people if they dont know what the fuck they are doing but pretend they do/dont let anyone know.

Also sorry, I thuoght you had a 480 because you said everythign was shipped in your initial post and it had a link to a 480. Alright a 965 isnt as bad for your card then. But i can tell you go play metro 2033 at max and even my set up (930/480) can have troubles at times. I also recommend Intel because their engineering is just better, Blizzard's games lately have been barely above the "good" mark.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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