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Reasonable said:

Well, in light of the adjustments I've decided that Move hasn't made anyone crazy at all.  Because if it had, there would be nothing left to describe what the adjustments are going to do to certain people.

Things are really crazy on the forums at the moment - I'm not sure the site will be able to cope if things don't calm down before Kinect launches and we then proceed to the holiday sales period.

The worst is, I dont think Kinect sales will ever justify the mean. Sales being mostly to their actual fanbase. The mean being extremely high  R and D and marketing cost. I wish them success  and I cant wait to see factual data, but it may well be a dissapointment for many. 

Im going to be bold here, but I think the reason they spent so much on marketing is because they fear of not  getting back their research and development investment as well as loosing credibility from low sales. I hope im not biase, but I think I would say the same if it was another company in the same situation. Bottom line, as you said,  there will be actions on the forum. What your thought on Kinect sales?