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The web site Video Gamer have reviewed The Fight Lights Out, review can be read here.

I'm really not too sure what to make of this, as all recent hands-on reports have been glowing. A guy from The Sixth Axis had so much fun beating the hell out of the first few opponents that his review is late lol.

For two such contrasting opinions I can only see the reason for the first reviewers problems being one of two things...either 1) He can't punch his way out of a paper bag or 2) He doesn't have his Move bits and pieces set up correctly. The review is pretty poor tbh as he hasn't mentioned anything about how much lag there is (even if it's lag-free he should still mention it as that's been one thing that has stood out whilst watching video demonstrations!) and hasn't mentioned anything about the online multiplayer.

Are reviews from Video Gamer normally this bad..? :o/