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AngelosL said:
CGI-Quality said:
AngelosL said:
CGI-Quality said:
AngelosL said:
huaxiong90 said:
WarmachineX said:

All I have to say is, Zelda: OOT

Best game ever. This gen's games dont even come close.


Agreed!This gen is mediocre at best

What's mediocre about it?

The quality of the titles, and the fact that most of the games are full of bugs because developers dont take their time to make a good game,instead they rush them to make more money.Also, no revolutionary game was released. They are all clones... All I saw was Rockstar clones,tomb raider - prince of persia clones and shoot em ups. Even great games like Oblivion and Heavy Rain were based on something else.

This gen has nothing to offer .

You know many of the games in previous gens were based on previous ideas as well, correct? There are plenty of quality games this gen, (on all 3 consoles) even if they don't reach your expectations.

Yes, Oblivion was based on past ideas, but succeeded where previous games didn't. Doesn't make it mediocre. HEAVY RAIN did things no other game has ever done before, which was quite revolutionary. No game plays like it, so you're wrong there.

Don't know what you expected from this gen, but calling games mediocre (or saying it has nothing to offer) just because they are similar to games in the past, is irrational if you ask me.

First of all I don't put Oblivion and Heavy Rain among the rest of the games.I called them great,and they are my favorite games this gen.

I play video games since I was 5 , Ι've owned even for a short while almost every console  that was released,and it's the first time that I call a generation mediocre.The only other console I can compare to the 7th generation ones is the Mega Drive, only this time there isn't a Super Nintendo around to equalize things...

I don't have a problem with anyone enjoying this gen, but I've played more than enough games to have an opinion on the matter,and apart from the visuals the new consoles havent offered me anything new that would make me call a title masterpiece.

examples of previous gens:  NES -Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 3

                                                    SNES-FFIV,VI ,Super Metroid, Donkey Kong Country 1,2 

                                                    PS - Castlevania:Symphony of the Night, FFVII, Metal Gear Solid, resident Evil,Silent Hill

                                                    n64 - Zelda Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, GoldenEye,Lylat Wars

                                                    PS2 -Resident Evil 4, ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, GTA Vice City,Rez,FF X,XII

                                                  also on the PC: Half-Life ,Diablo,Starcraft,Baldur's Gate 1,2 , Riven,Monkey Island series

now those were a few examples where games took the experience to another level.There are more,those were the first to come in mind.The games of this gen which are considered great: Halo series, GTAIV, Uncharted series and COD:Modern Warfare .... Online Shoot em Ups, a GTA inferior to Vice City and a good game (UC2) which is based on tomb raider.Now compare those to any of the above. Am I the only one who sees there's a huge gap of quality?

You clearly have simply lost interest in video games I'm afraid. I don't want to always play something new. Saying a game is mediocre because it takes inspiration from another game is just wrong.

I'd like to know what you think of the movie industry...