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steverhcp02 said:
billsalias said:

You cherry picked by using such a limited example.

For example if you look at eb you will find tons of move controllers availabe:

Also, wal mart does not have them online but the two in my town have many in the store.

Also if you check out eb or best buy you will see every store has the starter pack in ready supply.

So both of your are wrong. There are a major retailers in major metro areas that are sold out but it is far from the complete sell out implied either. There are plenty of starter packs available and if you want a move controller you may not be able to go to the nearest store but you sure can find one without much trouble (10 ebs and 1 best buy have them within 15 miles of my zip 02189 and both walmarts within 2 miles). On the other side there are 5 stores in the same range that are sold out.

So how about you both give it a rest and drop this entire stupid pissing contest and get on with something more productive then trolling.

No im not. Youre using a completely different SKU. Im not commenting on starter bundles since those arent Move controllers. Starter bundles are in less demand and i believe sony overshipped them originally and I believe Move is selling not only more to users who own a PS3 but people are showing demand for multiple Move contorllers resulting in limited quantities of Move controllers.

I never said they were "out of stock" i showed links in which it showed 2/6 best buys or 1/6 or even 3/6 in a given 20 mile radius for 4 major cities in the USA and then my local area. My point, and as i said before, is that its sporadic. The fact that roughly 50% of large chain electronic stores, as well as the largest online retailer does not have stock of an item over 1 month after release and after an increase in supply points towards the distinct possibility an overshipment never occurred to inflate numbers.

Its not a pissing contest. Its an argument rooted in logic with real world examples that directly contradict what starcraft is saying. Nothing more, nothing less.

First I gave examples of both starter packs and move controllers above, not just starter packs. I also gave other stores besides best buy where move controller specifically are not in short supply as examples. If you read above, 10 electronics boutiques within 15 miles of me have move controllers in stock. So the shortages are not as dramatic as you are saying when you look at any store besides best buy.

It is a pissing contest because on one side you are saying "distinct possibility an overshipment never occurred" while the other (starcraft) is claiming there is no shortage when evidence has been provided that says both are false and the evidence has been ignored.

The truth, as you just said above, appears to be that Sony has over shipped starter packs but under shipped stand alone controllers. In addition you are continuing to argue that move controllers are only available at "50% of major retailers" even though I provided links showing that 90% of EBs I checked (which is anecdotal evidence by the way but it is no more so then the best buy stock info you provided) have stock as well as other stores. So because you are not addressing arguments point for point or admitting when one of your arguments is countered you are having a pissing contest not a debate.

And not to be one sided, anyone (starcraft) saying there is not strong demand for move controllers or that there are no supply issues at all is ignoring evidence to the contrary. There are definitely many major retailers in major metro areas that have move controllers in short supply. And though some retailers are worse off then others more then one chain has seen at least some stores not be able to meet demand.

Let me rephrase what I said before to try and make this less absolute, you are both wrong and your are both right. Of the 2.5 million move controllers shipped a large number, mostly in the form of starter packs, are sitting on shelves or in warehouses. But demand for stand alone move controllers is out pacing supply enough for some stores to struggle to keep stock.

As I have said in another post in this thread, this argument is also largely pointless. Without knowing what the allocation of starter packs to controllers was in that 2.5 figure we have no way of interpreting the fact that controller supply is short or that there is excess stock of starter packs. For example if Sony shipped 750k starter packs and 1.75 million controllers then the meaning is very different then if they shipped 2 million starter packs and 500k controllers.

I am sorry if I snapped at you guys, but it gets very frustrating trying to sift through pages and pages of quoted posts with little to no new information (not just yours in that category) trying to find something worth reading.