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jneul said:
slowmo said:

Thats rather rude, you accused him of trolling and he has offered to provide evidence to the contrary.  Just because you don't like the information he is providing doesn't make it ok to accuse him of being "sad".  Did he go into your Kinect bashing threads and call you sad for posting the information?

It was rude but it serves him right for stalking me constantly on n4g, posting on picture of 100 moves proves nothing, and even if he took a picture with lots of moves in it every day it still does not prove anything, he would have to go to every store in the world to prove that indeed yes move is absoultely not selling out everywhere, which btw is impossible

maybe he did not call me sad, but maybe to some i am as far as the "kinect bashing" threads go, i am staying away from kinect threads at the moment

1st: I never said worldwide. I said there are no shortages in Germany.

2nd: wow you are so kind.

3rd: to prove my point check the latest PAL Charts:

Netherlands: No move game in the top10
Norway: No.7 for Sports Champion, no other move compatible game (including MAG, RE5 and Heavy Rain) in the top20
Sweden: No. 12 for Sports Champion, no other move compatible game in the top 20 and not in the top10 on PS3 alone either
Swiss: Sports Champion at No.9 on PS3 only chart
UK: Sports Champion at No. 28 on UK Chart, not any other move-compatible game in the top 40.

I don't know about you, but that does not sound like a device that is doing amazingly hot. It sells decent, it might turn a profit for Sony, but it will never ever be a game changer in any way. With 1.5 million in 4 weeks (more than Halo Reach, which still sits in these charts for some strange reasons), you should expect at least some games in the top10 / 20 / 40 in any region. But except for Sports Champion, there is nothing at all.

I just remain sceptical.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...