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starcraft said:
steverhcp02 said:
starcraft said:
steverhcp02 said:
starcraft said:
Carl2291 said:
starcraft said:

My perception of their expectations?  A substantial shift in the public perception surrounding the PS3.  In the way people want to play games.  A sizeable and sustained increase in sales.

Certainly not the lacklustre sell through we've seen evidence of.

Move has clearly not been a major flop.  But to call it a "success" is an equivelant stretch, unless you truly believe that Son'y ONLY goal with Move was to literally break even on the hardware.

Right. Just want to say something.

The week before PS Move launched, PS3 sold 131k units Worldwide.

The week of PS Move (I say week, I mean 2 days on sale), the PS3 sold  170k units worldwide.

The following week (The first full week of PS Move), the PS3 sold 183k units worldwide.

The PS3 has outsold the Wii every week since PS Move launched, by 20k or more units, and hasn't dropped below 155k units WW... Without a Japan Move launch, which will be in this weeks data I think.

So yeah, I'm pretty sure Sony are happy with it having sold 2.5 Million units to retailers within a Month despite it being a "slow burner". And I'm pretty sure Sony fans are happy with it judging from comments in the WW Up threads.

Why on Earth is the Wii a standard bearer for success at this point?

The Xbox 360 has been beating it out of routine.  Taken from that perspective, Move has been out a few weeks and still hasn't led to the PS3 defeating Xbox 360, despite the products apparent strong region being Europe  (the Xbox 360's less strong region).

I haven't said at any point in this thread that the Move was a failure.  Did it do as well as Sony hoped it would?  Of course not.  If a tonne of advertising (in my country at least), a massive proportion of their major events time and budget, dozens of games and an emphasis that their flagship titles will utilize Move isn't an enormous amount of hype, then Sony has never utilized an enormous amount of hype for anything.

There seems to be a systematic notion of resistance in many posters in this thread (I am referring to others here Carl, rather than you) to the concept that Move was anything other than a resounding success, when there is clear evidence that it was not.

you mean like the hardware boost that coincided with Moves release? and has elevated the bottomline weekly average 30k?

You keep repeating yourself saying "ZOMG i saw commercials...for a product.....they expect it to sell!!!!!" Well no shit. Companies make commercials. 

Ya know what i cant even start this, i cant fathom how you come to your reasoning.

You blatantly misquote me, ignore the SUBSTANTIAL evidence that Sony overshipped significantly and then (as the thread creator pointed out) misled us about their sales and yet it is me that has unfathomable reasoning?

Here is a simple picture, and I will paint our relative points within it:

1. Complete and utter resounding success by any and all standards.

2. Did ok, didn't set the world alight, didn't perform in line with it's very large amount of hype.

3. Failed.


Now I would be number two, and you would be number one.  As I pointed out with a previous post, a number of people, beginning with the thread creator, seem to be afraid of the notion that Move was anything other than Sony's second coming.

Sadly, it simply isn't the case.  Which is not to say that it failed at all.  In direct answer to the OP's title though, it would indeed appear that the perspective of some people has indeed been skewed by Move not meeting their aspiring hopes and dreams.

For target i used my area code of "43609" but i encourage others to try their areas and see if there is a similar result


Hey man, dont let reality get in the way of your crusade or anything.

Yay.  Let's play anecdotal evidence wars woohoo!!!

Not a single substantial retailer in my MAJOR city is sold out of Move.  But that is irrelevant, like your post.  Because the likes of NPD, VGC and Chart Track (the only people we know that take regional or global samples) indicate clearly that Sony has not sold anything like it's original shipment allotment of Move through to the public.

You have, again, failed to indicate where I said anything about Pachter's first estimate.

I want to play this game, too!

Here is my local media markt (biggest electronic retailer in Europe)

If this does not work for whatever reason:

There are more than 100 PS Move in my store in a city with 70k people living at. And I asked the employee and he said they had about the same number in the back.

Another Media Markt in my home town has about 50 in stock. I did not make a picture and I did not asked an employee either. There are no shortages in Germany

But somehow I read on the internet PS Move is sold out in Germany and nowhere to be found. This is not true.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...