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starcraft said:
steverhcp02 said:
starcraft said:
steverhcp02 said:

For target i used my area code of "43609" but i encourage others to try their areas and see if there is a similar result


Hey man, dont let reality get in the way of your crusade or anything.

Yay.  Let's play anecdotal evidence wars woohoo!!!

Not a single substantial retailer in my MAJOR city is sold out of Move.  But that is irrelevant, like your post.  Because the likes of NPD, VGC and Chart Track (the only people we know that take regional or global samples) indicate clearly that Sony has not sold anything like it's original shipment allotment of Move through to the public.

You have, again, failed to indicate where I said anything about Pachter's first estimate.

Miami best buys.

New York Best Buys

Las Angeles Best Buys

Dallas Best Buy

You realize of course, that by continuing with blatant avoidance of sample-relevant evidence and continuing to produce anecdotal evidence with no substance or contextual base point, you do your entire argument a diservice.

Does anyone arguing in the pro wish to add their name to this young man's work?  Adopt his argument as their own?

You cherry picked by using such a limited example.

For example if you look at eb you will find tons of move controllers availabe:

Also, wal mart does not have them online but the two in my town have many in the store.

Also if you check out eb or best buy you will see every store has the starter pack in ready supply.

So both of your are wrong. There are a major retailers in major metro areas that are sold out but it is far from the complete sell out implied either. There are plenty of starter packs available and if you want a move controller you may not be able to go to the nearest store but you sure can find one without much trouble (10 ebs and 1 best buy have them within 15 miles of my zip 02189 and both walmarts within 2 miles). On the other side there are 5 stores in the same range that are sold out.

So how about you both give it a rest and drop this entire stupid pissing contest and get on with something more productive then trolling.