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thismeintiel said:
Seece said:
Fumanchu said:

I just wanted to bring up the possibility of Sony reporting their 'shipped' figures differently.  I have seen it discussed in other sales threads and it definitely helps to explain the discrepancy between their shipped totals and VGChartz sell-through numbers.  It's the theory that Sony count back-orders on their books before shipping to retailers.  Of course I don't think anyone that doesn't work at Sony will be able to confirm or deny this, but when you see reasoning to argue towards higher sell-through data such as; "they've shipped 2.5 million units and I can't find one at my local retailer" I always think of this as a possibility.      

Don't open another can of worms, you'll get your head bitten off bow down and worship the glorious Move sales without question!!!

Lol, you don't have to be a jerk about it.

Anyway, to answer your question Fumanchu, I believe that is how Sony used to report numbers during the PS1 & PS2 gens.  I'm almost 100% that they have switched to the industry standard (shipped to retailers) in 2006 or 2007.

@ nightsurge

You're right.  I'll fix that in a moment.

Thank you for clearing that up, like I said I didn't think of this theory myself - I had simply seen it posted quite a few times in different sales threads. 

Well this is more troubling for VGChartz numbers then I guess? The bigger Sony discrepancies are simply 'unknowns' then? i.e. untrackable regions?