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thismeintiel said:
starcraft said:

The Wii is not currently, and has not been for sometime, a measure of success.  The PS3 is currently DOWN year on year, right after the second most major release of the year for the console (assuming of course GT5 does launch this year. 

You ask me for evidence of Sony's exact expectations, but I am not the thread creator, I am not the person in this debate with whom the burden of proof resides.  I could easily have created a thread, equally as speculative and malicious as this one, that implies anyone who genuinely believes Move did as well as it should have is crazy.

We have complete different reads on the "HD Motion War."  A casual glance through the Sony forums for the last six months highlights an enormous amount of Kinect skepticism.  I myself remain highly skeptical of Kinect.  I have found articles where Sony vaguely alludes to possibly accelerating production.

As you're in the pro-OP camp, and therefore bare the burden of proof, can you perhaps point me to an article where Sony says anything remotely along the lines of "we're going to produce more of Move than we anticipated this year, because our shipments are selling out?"  Not, "we're going to accelerate production, which we were always going to do because it's coming up to Christmas, but for publicity purposes it sounds better if I don't say this last bit."

You don't get the rules of debate, do you?  The burden of proof is on the accuser, not the accused.  Otherwise you could accuse anyone of commiting any crime, and instead of you having to prove they commited that crime, the accused go to jail until he can prove he didn't do it.  Doesn't make sense, does it.  You made the accusation that Sony didn't meet their expectations with Move, so the burden of proof is upon you to show that to be the case.  Supporters have already quoted Sony as saying they feel Move will be a slow burner.  Then there's the fact that Move was sold out at retail stores and online stores within a week or 2 of Moves launch, clearly from low initial shipments.  So, where is your proof?

And you asked me to show you where you referenced Pachter's initial estimate, which I bolded for you, yet you ignored it.  I mean you're basing half of your argument on Pachter's first estimate, and even though he retracted it by saying he was lowballing his numbers and gave a new estimate, you choose to ignore it.  I just wish I knew how that works.  Faced with a hard fact like that, I'd have to concede to the other side.

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