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starcraft said:
Fumanchu said:

I just wanted to bring up the possibility of Sony reporting their 'shipped' figures differently.  I have seen it discussed in other sales threads and it definitely helps to explain the discrepancy between their shipped totals and VGChartz sell-through numbers.  It's the theory that Sony count back-orders on their books before shipping to retailers.  Of course I don't think anyone that doesn't work at Sony will be able to confirm or deny this, but when you see reasoning to argue towards higher sell-through data such as; "they've shipped 2.5 million units and I can't find one at my local retailer" I always think of this as a possibility.      

Dear god mate don't bring that into this.

People in this thread are having a hard enough time dealing with the reality that Sony hasn't sold anything like their shipment figures to the public.  Don't tell them that even the shipment figures are bogus, you'll never get out alive.

As the OP said, the apparent sales of Move (or lack there of) has sent a number of people crazy

Well I just want to say it's not my intention to stir up an arugment, I have simply witnessed these comments here more than just a couple of times and I don't know if there is any truth to them or wishful thinking by Sony deterrents.  I would love it if someone could set the record straight on this or whether this is a belief held to VGChartz trackers.  I don't always want to play devil's advocate but I have a bit more faith in the guesstimates of VGChartz.