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FinalEvangelion said:
Carl2291 said:

The Wii is the record breaking, generation leader. Before the PS Move it was also the only home console that offered a wide array of Motion Control games available for it. That's why I used the Wii.

Can you provide any links/evidence that states to us how well Sony expected Move to do, without going on your own assumptions?

 Seeing that you mentioned the 360. I also want to say this -

MS Expect to sell (ship) about 3 Million Kinect units by the end of the year. Sony have shipped 2.5 Million PS Move units in a Month. Kinect is the product with MUCH more hype and ad power behind it. It's also the product pretty much everybody expected to win in the HD Motion War... Sony have also had to recently increase production.

I don't possibly see at all how you (or anyone else for that matter) can say Move hasn't been a success so far for Sony.

Same.  That's what I ask for all the people that said fans / Sony expected it to be a huge game changer.  It needs to be backed up with evidence.


What we do know is this... 

1.  Sony had to increase production of the peripheral and they did give shipment numbers - which exceeded most people's expectation.

2.  It was the first time PS beat the Wii under normal conditions for NPD.  The reason I say normal was it did when the price cut / slim came out.  There is evidence it stole some of it's thunder.  There are other factors too like the HDTV market penetration.

3.  Sony announced that they are going to beat their 15 million shipment projections for the fiscal year.

Things like 1 and 3 are things you don't lie about - unless you want to get in trouble.

As I pointed out, the burden of proof is on the Pro.

You quoted me, so I assume you're attempting to discredit my argument.  As my argument is not that Move failed, but that it failed to meet the reasonably assumed expectations, please tailor your evidence as such.

1.  Provide evidence that Sony increased production IN EXCESS of what they intended too anyway.

2.  The Wii is the weakest it has ever been.  The Xbox 360, commonly held by both Sony and Microsoft to be the PS3's primary competitor, has been beating the Wii for weeks.

3.  So...?

As for you final point, you don't lie in financial reports.  But even in their existing press releases they haven't lied, they have just left out important bits of context-related information.

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