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starcraft said:
thismeintiel said:
starcraft said:

Again, you see what you wish to see, not what is actually there.

Pachter has indicated, as has VGC's (regularly accurate) HW data that Move was not nearly the success it was intended to be.  Move not being a 'flop' does not in and of itself make Move a success.  Many of the variables you refer too are mitigated extensively by the extremely high tie ratio of Sports Champions.

Everyone with half a brain is talking about sell through.  Back in early 2008 Microsoft reported tiny shipped numbers because their late 2007 shipped numbers were massive, stuffing the channel.  So whilst it appeared according to their financial statements that their sales were huge, the reality is that most of those sales were still sitting on stores shelves.  So while those numbers are "finite" as you say, they are not in anyway a strong indication of whether a product is resonating with the public and whether it will be successful over the long term.

I, for one, will be far more interested in Kinect's sell-through than it's shipped numbers, as will a lot of Sony fans

Wow, you are pretty stubborn when you set your mind on what you want to believe.  You continue to use Pachter's first estimate, regardless of the fact he said he was wrong in his initial estimate.  What kind of will power does it take to ignore a fact like that?

As far as VGC accuracy goes, you do realize they just got done adjusting the PS3 sales by over 300K, right?  And one year they had to adjust the Wii's number by ~ 1 million.  Now, I'm not bashing VGC, as I'm sure they do the best with what they have, but to act like their numbers are almost always 100% accurate and set in stone is pretty ridiculous.  Especially considering the Move is the hardest thing they have ever tracked.

And how has the Move not performed to Sony's expectations?  They had to ramp up production in Americas twice, while EU is considering doing the same.  This isn't just speculation, either.  It was witnessed by online and retail stores selling out within a week or so of Move's initial launch.  Obviously, Sony sent out small supplies initially, expecting lower sales.

I haven't once referenced Pachter's first estimate...

When have I once said that VGC's numbers are 100% accurate?  Or perhaps, you can reference me towards the point where I said they are set in stone?

"Ramping up production" is a rather routine marketing ploy used by all three manufacturers.  You're acting as though you may be somewhat naive as to the world of corporate tactics.  Indeed, it is ridiculous to call Move a success given it's "apparent" sales. Bare in mind Sony spent 60% of it's E3 conference discussing this thing, and hasn't shut up about it since.

I pretty much just bolded my argument.