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steverhcp02 said:
Seece said:
steverhcp02 said:
Seece said:

Yeah? I know that, and I'm not saying Sony SHOULD change the way they report numbers, don't jump the gun. The different with MS and Sony ect not saying what install base is, is we can track that for ourselves, from shipped figures and chart trackers like NPD and VGChartz. We can do all that with Move as well, but as you know it's more difficult to work out. Hence why an install base update from Sony would be more helpful than a console userbase update.

How in the world would they track that? And we certainly cant track install base and we certainly dont or else we wouldnt count PS3 slim rebuys or Xbox360s rebuys as unit sales now would we, or there would be disclaimers.

What on earth do the slim consoles have to do with this? The figures on the front page arnt nessacerily active install base but units SOLD across the globe, and when someone rebuys a slim what do you think happens to the phat? 9/10 times it's gets sold on to a new active user. And yes we do track overall Move sales and install base, obviously there is more room for discrepency. Sony will obviously know a lot about the sell through in each country, for various obvious reasons, they have the most data to hand to figure it out.

It has everything to do with it. Youre claiming total amount sold and/or shipped is irrelavent because you need to know unique users with access to move. Well news flash, I own 2 moves. Now thats one household. You want to believe since i purchased 2 moves somehow this should only count as 1 "unique" user But guess what? My girlfriend is buying Get Fit with MelB and im buying Sorcery, one household 2 unique users.

I never disputed that sometimes, like in my case, when a user buys a second console they pass it along to someone, but its laughable you act as though it doesnt inflate numbers.

People cant demand "unique install base" then in the same breath hold up the sales boost from redesigned consoles. Im sorry Seece, if you cant see that hypocrisy then this conversation is hopeless.

Once again Seece, how does sell through (which Sony wont know btw they only can know what theyre shipping to retailers) give you install base. They can still be selling multiple controllers to single homes, sell through is irrelavent in this discussion.

Youre just desperately trying to downplay a very good shipped amount. Thats all there is to it. No one is even trying to act like the shipped amount is unique install base but to act like its irrelavent is pretty ridiculous.

Why cant people just take it at face value? Sony has sold a lot more of these than most of us expected. Bottomline.

Really? I love it when people jump to conclusions about me, says more about themselves than it does me. I think 2.5 mill shipped is fantastic.

I never said 100% consoles are active, there are many that are broken and don't get fixed, people with 2 consoles ect. I already said the numbers on the front page are SOLD figures.

ioi (and sony I very much imagine) have a lot of data and ways to figure out what the install base is, for all varying types of gamers, ones like yourself buying 2 moves, or ones buying 1. I don't believe that information is soo impossible like people are making out.