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wiilicious said:
AngelosL said:

Here's the true fact: Three N64 games (GoldenEye,Ocarina of Time,Super Mario 64) are still included in lists of the greatest games of all time.Ocarina usually comes first and the rest are still high placed on those lists. Even if you ignore those games  there are others which are still loved by gamers: Lylat Wars,Banjo-Kazooie,Mario Kart Racing etc.

So far the PS3 has 1 exclusive title that people will probably remember :Uncharted 2. The rest of them are either pretty good sequels or games that are very good but their gameplay was based on something else.Even UC isnt original.

GoldenEye introduced how shooters should be played on consoles,Mario 64 was a whole new gaming experience when it came out (probably the first full 3d game) and its controls were masterful,and Ocarina of Time is simply the Best game ever released.

So don't speak of things you haven't experienced or you don't understand.

I kind of agree with you. Maybe the N64 got a smaller game library but there is much more games on N64 that revitalize their own genre. I can only think about LBP, Uncharted 2 and maybe, I say maybe Heavy Rain (concept was good, story was so bad). Don't make me start on the N64: Mario64, Zelda OCT, MM, Golden Eye, Perfect Dark....Need some more...

Did you just say Heavy Rain's story was bad?