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thismeintiel said:
Seece said:
Darth Tigris said:

Quite true.

I think the big problem that keeps getting dodged by many is how IMPOSSIBLE it will be to properly  track a Move install base figure based on WHATEVER sales are presented.  Its comparable to Wii Play sales, as they may seem like the game is a huge success but many purchases were likely because of the controller.  But how do you know how many bought it for that reason?  Impossible to tell.  So when individuals celebrate or demean Move sales, it really rings hollow because its based on a general ignorance as WE JUST DON'T KNOW.

As Squil mentioned on page one, though, sales of Move-only games are the most important barometer for developers outside of SCE.  Any other sales figure will have far too many variables to judge how much they should invest in future Move titles.

Indeed, and the only true source we could ever hope to get, won't happen. Sony will always say "we've shipped 2.5 mill move" rather than "1 million install base", it just sounds better in every way to have a higher number.

So, when's the last time Nintendo or MS published their "install base numbers"?  I'm going to go out on a limb and say never.  This is exactly what I'm touching on in the OP.  This success has just messed with people's reasoning.  I don't understand why all these people all of a sudden have changed how they feel SONY should report its numbers just because of Move.  ALL companies report numbers this way.  Not only is it because it's an actual number and not an estimate, but because it's impossible to calculate the install base for anything.  Do you think there are companies that track every little country Sony, MS, and Nintendo ships to?  Of course not.  We have only people who track major regions.  And even with those large companies in large regions, they are all only estimates.  Ones that get corrected on a usual basis when financial reports arrive.

@ jneul

Well, I need to buy a plane ticket then, CAUSE I'M COMING OVER FOR DINNER!!

Yeah? I know that, and I'm not saying Sony SHOULD change the way they report numbers, don't jump the gun. The different with MS and Sony ect not saying what install base is, is we can track that for ourselves, from shipped figures and chart trackers like NPD and VGChartz. We can do all that with Move as well, but as you know it's more difficult to work out. Hence why an install base update from Sony would be more helpful than a console userbase update.