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CGI-Quality said:
starcraft said:
CGI-Quality said:
starcraft said:

Success is all relative.  Do I believe that in and of itself Move will make a profit?  Likely.

Could the resources Sony has poured into it have been better spent?  Probably.

Did Move do what Sony and many of it's fans hoped or intended?  Certainly not.

And what did either of them intend?

A revitalizing of the platform?  Some sort of gaming revolution?

Certainly a much greater set of sales to consumers and a far better resonation with the public than what has happened thus far.

Could the situation change?  Of course.

Will it change?  Let's wait and see.

I don't recall Sony saying that. I certainly don't recall Sony fans saying that.

Are you honestly going to refute the notion that Playstation Move was a strongly hyped, highly emphasised part of Sony's PS3 stratagem from the moment it was announced?

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS