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Calmador said:
fps_d0minat0r said:

heres the fact:

if ps3 existed in n64 days, the n64 would have been the equivelent of webbrowser gaming of would have failed as a console.

if n64 existed today (which they do and sell for extremely low prices online) theres still more people playing ps3 while the n64's are in the loft with a thick layer of dust (ok there always happens to be one guy saying "i still play mine")

so how the f*** is the n64 better?

i love ps3 but will i say its better than a console after a few decades? NO because it wont be.

n64 probably has lots of fans because they all grew old and now they cant compete with the new generation in competitive gaming and their big ego has died out so they wish they could go back in time..........anyone got a better explanation (keeping in mind what i said at the beginning)

2. Capitalize the first letter in every sentence you make please... with the way you talk and the careless spelling/grammer... you make me think your a 12 year old that plays MW2 all the time... yeah I know it's internet but even for internet standards my impression...

3. The N64 fans that are all grown up now have probably played more FPS games then a little brat running his mouth on a video game forum... and as a result have more skill because of the experience. A lot top players in gaming probably come from that generation because of experience.

Underlined: If you're going to criticize a person's spelling and grammar, at least watch yours.

Bear in mind, I don't agree with what he said at all. And it honestly shames me as a PS3 fan.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!