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thismeintiel said:
buzzard said:

The 1 million figure is for all the Americas (NA and Latin America)

Not according to this source.

Yes according to the original source:


jneul said:
thismeintiel said:
starcraft said:
thismeintiel said:
starcraft said:
thismeintiel said:
starcraft said:
thismeintiel said:

@ starcraft

You just reinforced Point 3.  And you do realize Sony can't lie about their numbers, right?

You disagreeing with Pachter doesn't for a moment mean he jumped the gun.  His recent statements are in line with VGC.

And you're fundamentally incorrect.  Sony cannot lie in their financial reports (though there are limits to how clear and open they have to be).

But their PR department just about exists to lie, and it can do so with virtual impunity.

Of course he jumped the gun.  He admited it himself.

And the statements regarding how many Moves were sold were not made by Sony's PR department.  They were made by Sony's CEO's of America and Europe.  It would be almost impossible for them to lie about these numbers, as doing so would harm the company.  Both in reputation and sales.

Mate, you really need to examine your assessment of the shipped versus sold argument, as well as rethink your perception of how these CEO's are required to operate and how we would prefer they operate.

Actually, I think my assessment is pretty spot on.  And I guess you just have a general mistrust of any CEO, then?  Nintendo and MS included?  Trust me, if it was found out they were lying (which financial reports would show), then they would be canned for hurting the company's rep.  It's as simple as that.

Of course, in a consumer-based, competitive and high pubilicity environment I am highly skeptical of taking the word of ANY CEO at face value. 

The link you provided indicated NO evidence of any sell through to consumers, other than the writer's own (unsubstantiated) assertions.  On the other hand, VGC and Pachter more recently have both offered evidence that contradicts YOUR assertions.

And the CEO will not be canned for misleading the public, as that is all he did.  He did not lie.  Sony has indeed sold 2.5 million units to RETAILERS!

Again, you continue to reinforce Point 3.  The article qoutes Pachter as saying, "It's ahead of what I thought previously."  This means it doesn't matter what Pachter had estimated before, as he is saying he was WRONG.  As far as VGC is concerned, they are also making estimates.  Ones that ioi admits uses controller data from previous consoles to come to those estimations.  However, with the Move, there are just way too many variables to consider, so there's basically no way of knowing how accurate VGC is.

Why are you mentioning sell-through?  Reinforcing Point 1.  No one is talking about sell-through.  And the CEO's are not misleading anyone, as ALL companies (even Nintendo and MS) report shipped numbers.  Know why?  Because those numbers are finite, not estimations, and are accurate.  Like I said, I doubt anyone will be screaming "IT'S SHIPPED NOT SOLD!!" when MS releases their Kinect numbers.


lol, I forgot to point out that those numbers are without Japan.  Something tells me Japan is going to have very similar numbers to US and Canada.  Actually, that brings up another point.  That 1 mil shipped figure is reportedly only for the US and Canada, and does not include the whole of Americas.

darth told me users on neogaf are reprting move sold out in japan already and it's only been  acouple of days, this should make this thread more fun when we get the real data from sony.

the fact is everyone was too quick to call move a flop based on vgc figures since we now all know that figure is wrong, we can all finally move on, move is not a flop

How do you know the VGC figure is wrong if we don't have any concrete sold to consumer data? Shipments are irrelevant, the PSP Go still hasn't sold it's FIRST shipment.