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I think the easiest way is the best way here: Follow VGC numbers. ioi said something about 500k in the first month and this sounds reasonable according to every tracking service we have access to. (GFK, Enterbrain / Charttrack, NPD, VGC)

So move had a decent start. It did not flop big time and it did not take the world by storm either.

The problem will occur with people saying Move outsold device XXX (most likley Kinect) and do so according to shipped numbers. I mean it is obvious that Sony tracks every single piece of the Move experience as a sold PS Move. While Kinect is basically one device per household.

I think the best way to check the impact of these devices are software sales. Not just Sports Champion vs Kinect Adventures but software overall. The next problem will be like this: "OMFG Killzone 3 sold 2 million, move outselling Kinect!" while Killzone 3 obviously will sell even without Move support. The VERY best way: Compare Move only with Kinect only titles. Sorcery and Dance Central seem to be a nice indicator for the impact of those two new devices.

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