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wick said:
zarx said:

today I was exploring a massive cavern in one of my worlds and I waked onto some gravel and it fell down into a lake of lava, I lost like 20 mins of mining :( 

so what are your horror stories?

I spent hours trying to get enough diamonds for a diamond pickaxe and then after I finally got it went digging in some caverns only to drop through a very deep hole and die and lose everything I was carrying.

A heap of gold, my diamond pickaxe, some gun powder and a heap of iron all lost.

my story had lava in it...


lakes of the stuff...



@Slimebeast no there isn't any real goal yet* but if you can set your own goals, like I wan't to see if I can make a replica of NYC for example the game can be very rewording, and it's like it's expensive and if you buy it now you won't have to pay half price when it reaches BETA stage and you won't have to pay full price when the game reaches near feature complete status.


* Notch said he was thinking of adding some goal, which may be a giant dragon you have to slay for example.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!