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Guys, I have the full data. I really think PS3 software is peaking now - only two to three publishers are set to have record years on PS3 in 2010. Everyone else had better years in 2008 / 2009 as was the case for the other systems.

PS3 / Wii / DS / PSP (and presumably X360 - but Microsoft doesnt give the needed figures) are all seeing users purchase fewer and fewer games per year on average - and so we're now reaching the point where that deterioration is faster than hw increases. Wii reached that point in the year to March 2009, and PS3 is reaching it now, in the year to March 2011 it looks like. DS / PSP both reached it in the year to March 2009 too - which is why every publisher had record years in 2008-2009 on these systems save for a couple who may do it this year.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu