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Ive got no complaints on the software front. I just finished Kirby's Epic Yarn, which is in the top spot for my game of the year at the moment. Got Epic Mickey, Donkey Kong Wii, GoldenEye 007, Sonic Colors, and more still to come this year. Not to mention Zelda, The Last Story, and Xenoblade  Mario Sport  Mix? I think its called hopefully all coming next year. Sure there is a few more im interested in, but its late and this makes my point.

It probably will come to a end in the next year or two. I am with Chaos it is my favorite Ninty console since SNES. Course this could be because my favorite games are platformers. 2D more so than 3D.

I was really excited for the 3DS, but looking over a lot of the games im not as much. A lot of the thirdy party games are not my thing if they were id have a PS3 or Xbox this gen along with my Wii and DS. Still I know I will have one for such games as Megaman Legends, RE's, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Kid Icarus, and a couple others. Cant forget the hopefull New Super Mario Bros game.