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Holy crap I've been off for a couple days and this thread is still alive? Cool!


More people I hate:

Racists - I hate racists such as the KKK and neo-nazis, but I also hate blacks/asians etc. who are racist against white people and get away with it because its fine to be racist against white people. A black guy can call a white guy a cracker, but you drop the "n-bomb" (i can't even post it here or I'll get a warning/ban) then you're a racist.

Smokers - They stand around and blow their disgusting chemical filled smoke everywhere and its annoying. And when they're in their 40's and get lung cancer the government is going to pay for your chemotherapy with my tax dollars. I think smokers should be forced to pay for their own medical treatment.

Thieves - It just pisses me off when people steal things that I, or my friends, worked hard to pay for. I wish we could go back to medieval times and cut off peoples fingers/hand if they are caught stealing. That'll quickly discourage theives.

Roommates who never clean up and leave shit everywhere - Okay this is just a personal one, my roommates are terrible. They leave shit everywhere and let their dirty dishes pile up for like 2-3 weeks before they clean them.

Pop artists, rappers, and today's musicians in general (with a few exceptions) - I wish I had been alive back in the 50's-80's so I could hear all the great music of back then. Everything from Frank Sinatra and Elvis in the 50's to the Beatles and Stones in the 60's, and the numberous amazing Classic Rock bands in the 70's and 80's. You can kill me once we hit the 90's though, I don't need to hear grunge or rap.