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Crazymann said:
The Anarchyz said:
Crazymann said:
richardhutnik said:
numonex said:

“Poverty, ignorance, hopelessness and bad governance have driven many Africans to religious insanity, absurdity and extremism. Africa is literally in a dark age. There is a proliferation of churches, mosques and worship centers. Blind faith, thoughtlessness and spiritual mumbo jumbo direct people’s lives.”

Please notify me when yourself, and your cabal of likeminded people have actually done anything to help humanity and make a difference.  Until then, you are just one of a number of people who think that their rants on a random forum on the Internet makes a bit of difference.  I would be see if a message of yours would actually go out and feed and clothe the homeless.

Amen!  And, I am still breathlessly awaiting a response from the OP as to whether Jodie Foster is a God(dess).

She was to John Hinckley Jr., look at what he wrote before the attempt.

"Over the past seven months I've left you dozens of poems, letters and love messages in the faint hope that you could develop an interest in me. Although we talked on the phone a couple of times I never had the nerve to simply approach you and introduce myself. [...] the reason I'm going ahead with this attempt now is because I cannot wait any longer to impress you."

He was obsessed with her, he even described the attempt as "the greatest love offering in the history of the world". She was his religion.

While I respect your interpretation, you are teetering on a massive slippery slope.  By that line of thought, any obsession can be thought of as a religion.  Semantically, and logically, that is incorrect.  Music is (literally) my life and calling, but I don't worship Orpheus or Pan. 

Plus there are numerous religious people who are most definitely not obsessed with that facet of their life (they merely take comfort in it).  I am not particularly religous myself, but I do see the value in it.  Not everyone is born with a moral compass and religion can provide that.  Only when taken to extremes does it become a problem.

I'm not saying that any obsession can be thought of as a religion, i'm saying that religion covers any kind of worshipping. Like you said, music is your life, but it's not a religion if you don't worship music artists or the concept of music, etc., if you worshiped Mozart, or the G-minor chord, or the drums, then it would be a religion. And even if you worshiped music, it would not be violent until you decided to do riots or take lives for the sake of music, i agree on that.

Like i said in previous posts, the Germans who worshiped Hitler and the Argentinians who worship Maradona are both in a religion, the difference is in the agenda. Like i also said, all religions are made by humans, and humans are the ones that decide which path to follow, and that goes for religious leaders and religious followers. 

I'm not against people having religious beliefs (i would be happy if everyone didn't have blind faith and all the world could have critical thinking, but like Voltaire said "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend with my life your right to say it.") , what i'm against is people carrying those beliefs to state laws, policies, state schools, etc. because when that happens, we enter in discrimination, massive irrationality, and in extreme cases, violence in all levels.

As for the moral issue, moral can be thought without religion, although it's more challenging, i give you that.