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sapphi_snake said:


Why shouldn't I support my beliefs by voting for legislation that I agree with?  That would make my belief system pretty pointless if I spoke one way and acted another.  Why are you bashing my freedom to not support gay marriage?  You are being the oppressive one.  Because you think they should have the right?  You are entitled to have that belief.  That's what makes America great.  It was the majority of the vote of the state of California that was the difference.

You have no right to tell other people whether they can or can't get married. What you don't understand is that your religious beleifs are personal and only concer yourself. If you don't agree with same sex marriage then don't marry someone of the same sex. Other people marrying someone of the same sex doesn't concern you. How can you call me oppressive when you're the one forcing others to follow your beleifs? And America surely isn't great if it allows the majority to surpress minorities.

What in my post led you to belive that I have contempt for gays?  They have every right to fight for their beliefs just as I do.  My belief that they should not be able to marry has nothing to do with bigotry or hate.  The Bible does state that Homosexuality is an abomination before the Lord.  He destroyed 2 cities with that being one of the main reasons.  God sets the "standards" you want to argue about.  My religion does not.  I don't know whether you believe in a God or not, but if you don't than everything I just said will mean nothing to you.  I just want you to at least know the facts.  Please do not put words in our mouths.

You support oppressive laws that force others to follow your religious beleifs. Your beleifs have everything to do with bigotry and hate. I don't know how you say you don't hate gays when you do everything you can to control their personal lives and to force them to follow the "morality" prescribed by your religion. You hold no respect for freedom of religion or the separation between Church and State.

No offence but what oppressive law forces you to denounce your faith? Which oppressive law forces you to convert to Christianity?

Their are more reasons than religion to denounce gay marriage. Think of the children for example, Gay couples don't want to just have recognition. Many want children, teaching those children to be gay which many homosexual couples do is wrong.

Here in Canada our school system was forced to carry books about homosexuality in kindergarten. The books with a mommy and a daddy had to be removed or marginalized so that books with kids having two daddies or two mommy's were introduced to the children. High school corriculm has changed so much that when I was in grade 11, it was put in place that grade ten students had to watch Broke Back Mountain to help them better understand homosexuals. I never had to watch it but later on tons of homosexual education classes were introduced into Sex ed, talking about how to have anal sex and such.

Many people aren't religious biggots they just have the opinion that homosexuality is not natural. I highly doubt the majority of California is Christian? They are just the most vocal because they want to defend their beliefs.

So in Canada children from Kindergarten onwards get brainwashed to think homosexuality is normal and natural. These kids get taught its cool.

You talk about brainwashing in other threads and imposing Christian beliefs on you. While you prupose to do the exact same thing to Christians, Muslims , Jews and any other religion that disagrees with your theology.

Canada, USA, Mexico we are democracies. In a democratic society people have the right to practice their sexuality in private any way they want. But to impose the minority beliefs on the majority is not democratic. No we should not persecute the minority but in a democratic society their views should not be imposed on the majority!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer