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I was shocked to read recently that EA may actually bury Medal Of Honour if the latest title does not actually sell 3-million units. As long as I remember playing war games their has been Call Of Duty and Medal Of Honour they were the first two real solid war franchises.

I loved always picking whether I wanted to buy the latest Medal Of Honour or the latest Call Of Duty. Some times I'd buy Medal of Honour sometimes CoD. Lately for example I bought CoD:MW2 then this year bought Medal Of Honour and decided to skip Black Ops.

Shouldn't EA continue the fight, or do you think they should roll over and play dead (Discontinue Medal of Honour)?

Do you want to see EA continue competing with Activision or should CoD have a monopoly over the war games genre?


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer