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Smidlee said:
Scoobes said:
Joelcool7 said:

1. I'm sorry to say to the OP, athiests have been just as violent as religious leaders. Look at every country where Athiesm is the official religion of the state. China for example or the old Soviet Union. Both killed hundreds of thousands that we know of Christians and alot of other faiths. Probubly millions if we count those who were killed in secret.

2. Fact is their are extremists in all faiths and beliefs regardless of whether they are religious people or athiests. We just live in a sick day and age. You also forget all the athiest murderers have you been in a prison? No I bet you haven't but alot of the murder inmates are Athiests.

3. What about the thousands of charities that are promoted by religion. They are the reason Haiti and Pakistan are being helped. I have never heard of a single athiest organisation doing shit to help others in need. What about Martin Luther King and other great Christian, Muslim , Jewish leaders who promote peace and prosperity?

1. Atheism isn't a religion. Whilst atheists have been violent and commanded other to do violent acts it is never in the name of atheism; it's for a political/national/other ideaology. Religion on the other hand offers an easy tool of manipulation (much like political and national ideaologies). That tool doesn't exist with atheism and requires another to take its place.

lol. Thus atheist has a subsitution for god//religion yet at the end the results are the same. An atheist god can be anything from money to sport idol or  even themselves.

 It's not the tags people wear  (religious,atheist,etc) than matter but their actions.

  I agree people do not kill in the name of atheism because atheism is a "nothing" just like people don't kill over "Monoploy" money.

Well, that's kind of my point, religion exists also outside the ancient books and mystical beliefs, people can worship concrete things and abstract things, like money and power, and they become religious leaders with people following them, Hitler was worshipped in Germany, so was Stallin in the USSR, and Kim-Jong-iL in North Korea is a great current example of this.

On the not-violent side In Brasil they have a church of football, in Argentina Maradona has its own religion, hell, in the US Tim Buckley did some cartoon strips about the main character founding "The church of gaming" and it got followers.

They all have in common that they're not really atheists, but they don't have the same agenda.

I consider myself more of an agnostic, i say simply "i don't know" to the questions that we can't answer now.