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A203D said:
damndl0ser said:
A203D said:


Yeah, but this is one of the things i'm thinking about; it was in the ethos of Sony to release the PS3 as the best possible console it could be and sell it at a huge loss, they provided top notch reliable hardware by comparasion, they provided a lot of built in features at a loss, like blu ray, backward compatability, built in wifi, flash card readers, etc.

its in their ethos to do that. however does anyone really think that if Microsoft were not in a console war they wouldve extended warranty on faultly consoles, they didnt provide warranty for every RROD console anyway. they charge for online, they dont provided as many built in features.

my point is that because Microsoft and Apple are Amercian they have a different buisness ethos, and imo it seems to be that they care more about making money rather than quality a lot more than their competitiors. look at Windows or even GWRL in comparasion to Steam.

like you said about Apple, they cost way too much, and thats Exactly what Microsoft want imo, thats why i want them out, if they wernt in a console war and they had a monopoly on the industry like they want, they would do exactly what Apple are doing.


The "Ethos" of Sony was to win a format war (Blu-Ray) and it almost cost them their console buisness instead.  They added a lot of stuff that was not needed and in the end (in order to compete) they took a lot of it out and streamlined production.   They did this to save money and not go bankrupt.  So please don't give me this American business "Ethos" BS as an excuse.  Frankly it pisses me off, we Americans are a money hungry lot, but no more so than anyone else.

Sony had a monopoly on the PS2 and look what happend to them.  We get the most expensive console ever and an attitude that we the consumer would need to go get a second job to pay for it.  And we should be happy to do so since Sony is god....  There is no way Microsoft could be any worse.  So I guess your Japanese business "Ethos" is just as corrupt as anyone elses.

Microsoft is no more evil than Sony, Nintendo, Apple, or any other big company.  I get a kick out of people who seem always spout that stuff.  They are probably using a hacked version of windows while they do it.  What fun...

My new word of the day "ETHOS"  maybe tomarrow we can use Porthos.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!