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Raze said:
Ajescent said:

Just to play Devil's advocate, I would argue Mario and Pokemon alone top the amount of releases that Halo and GoW have,

Yeah, I can agree to that, my point was that you can't call one party out for rehashing the same game and not the others. C'mon, Son'ys most anticipated release for 2010 is the 5th iteration of a racing game.

I think the entire industry is guilty of milking existing franchises, but can you blame them? It is pretty hard to make a successful IP, so when you DO, you'll want to use that to increase your company's profit. It is, afterall, a business. =)

Oh God, that pisses me off so much! It pains me that my top 3 games of all time are all sequels. and to make matters worse, 2 of them are from the most milked franchise of all time (Final Fantasy) I really like original games but I admit it makes sense to release more sequels.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?