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ProdigyBam said:

Religion(s) = islam?

not all religions are the same, most wars had been fought because of the islam, just saying..


"I will cast terror into the hearts of those who
disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads
and strike off every fingertip of them." 

(Qur'an 8:12)

Fight everyone in the way of Allah and
kill those who disbelieve in Allah." 
(Ibn Ishaq 992)

"Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
(Matthew 5:14)




it is kinda funny when you rant on Islam when you know nothing about it. i have studied  it for years and almost every thing fits. and in this forum war because of religion seems to be the most important subject so here is the truth that you didnt understand in the quotes you always bring from the Quran: more than a thousand years ago every thing was connected to WAR. Food wealth you name it.... So the only was for Islam to prove itself against an other nation was War but they didnt attack any individuals, even that the prophet lived with and talked people who  were not muslims and didnt even impose Islam to them and stoped his followers who tried to do so or even harm them . But now it is different This is the time of peace (or it should be). The religion involved over the time so there should be no war and it can ONLY prove itself through the things this time is know for; knowledge. as you have seen from those ignorant terrorists who simply kill people without even talking to them. it is because they are still living in the darkages and werent brought up well in harsh places with anger against people who lived a better life and studied by the hands close-minded people who imposed false information about something they dont understand that should be good. 


there is nothing wrong with my religion. It brought be peace of mind and made me an open minded person. I was a secular person because i thought that it was boring and hated it for that before i even learned about other reason people hated it for. The only wrong thing here is living in the past and the very thought that every idiot who pretends that he belongs to a group is representing them. dont focus on religion being bad for you just focus on how to bring happiness to yourself and others by focusing how the problem is solved and not complaning and posting blame.  read