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The Anarchyz said:

Hitler, Stallin, Mao, etc., people always bring them up to favor religion, but those people were religious leaders, religion is not exclusive to the ancient writings and old beliefs of things people like me call myths, religion covers all beliefs used to control people, even the modern ones, Hitler was a God to a lot of germans, so was Stallin to soviets and Kim-Jong-il to north koreans, once i heard that there was a belief among many north koreans that Kim has the power to control the weather based on his mood, if that's not religious belief, i don't know what is...

Religion was invented by men, the ancient and modern books, the temples, churches, mosques, propagandas, celebrity centers, all by men. And men sometimes have a good agenda, and sometimes they don't, (hell, sometimes they have mixed agendas) the problem is to follow blindly everything the religious leaders say without thinking rationally about it ...

Religion and political ideologies are more or less the same religious fundamentalist clap trap. Voting and religion is a complete waste of time.  Religion and politics creates more problems that are never fully resolved. Religion is used to formulate a lot of political policy making decisions and they come hand in hand. Separating religion and politics is impossible. Politics is based on religious doctrine that must be followed by believers.