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outlawauron said:

Oh geez, numonex.


Please, for me, list the Presidents that were killed by Christian fundamentalists for religious reasons. I'd love to hear them. (all four!)

Here is my opinion/view/belief on linking religious fundamentalists and the assassinations of the US Presidents.

Four Presidents assassinated: Abraham Lincoln(1865), James Garfield(1881), William McKinley(1901) and JFK(1963) were all assassinated by Christian fundamentalists who opposed the Presidents religious/political views.. Religious fundamentalist assassins believed they were  instructed by God, opposed the President of the day and killed the President in cold blood.  Religion and politics are closely linked in neo-conservative America. Two sides of religious  fundamentalists: Protestants (Republicans) and Catholics (Democrats) share different political/religious views on most aspects of society. 

The Presidents were all killed by  religious fundamentalist nut cases who believed they were instructed by God to carry out their acts. Religion fundamentalists and paranoid schizophrenia  share similar traits. Religion fundamentalists have been linked to assassinations and terrorist plots through out the world there is evidence to support this notion. 

In 1981 Ronald Reagan narrowly escaped death from an assassin's bullet. Once again the political/religious views of the assassin made him believe he was on a mission from God to get rid of the President. Terrorism is linked to religious fundamentalism. 

Religion should never be used to justify murder. Religion promotes peace but it often  leads to war and conflicts. In America: some defendants  use the Devil/Satan made me do it as a legal defense. Similar to the dog hate my homework excuse.