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Through out history most of the wars in the world have been fought on religious differences, views and beliefs. 

Extreme religious groups have continued to spread their venomous evil: ignorance, fear and hate. Terrorism and mass murder arise from extreme followings of religious cults.

“Poverty, ignorance, hopelessness and bad governance have driven many Africans to religious insanity, absurdity and extremism. Africa is literally in a dark age. There is a proliferation of churches, mosques and worship centers. Blind faith, thoughtlessness and spiritual mumbo jumbo direct people’s lives.”

Mad men in the US have shot dead politicians including four Presidents. The Assassins were religious fundamentalists and they believed the President was the Anti-Christ. Religious fundamentalists in America usually known as rednecks are scary people. Ok people believing in God but  for some people to carry out murder in the name of God is insane.