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Joelcool7 said:

I just bought the game and I love it, way better then CoD:MW2 with the exception of local multiplayer. Graphically the game looks better then CodMW2 as well. I don't know where you get off criticizing it so much considering you only played the Beta.

It was a great game worthy of a 8 out of ten easily. The only thing is they dropped local multiplayer.

Also what the heck Treyarch suck at making CoD games WaW wat easily the worst CoD game I've ever played and CoD3 dissapointed me after 1 and 2.

Don't buy Black Ops untill you've played it, Treyarch sucks. Leave CoD to Infinity Ward!

Nice contradiction in your two statements there. Your first sentence says MOH is way better than MW2, but then your final sentence says to leave COD to Infinity Ward. Which one is it? I have a feeling you don't have much experience when it comes to shooters so maybe MOH is looking for audiences like you. Ignorant to the shooter genre. Everyone else who wants a good experience would be wise to stay away from it. Its not just IGN giving it bad reviews. Its almost every big gaming site on the web.