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Seece said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
Nintendogamer said:

Neither of those statements really = what you said tho. Some have said as I have seen that certain members have too high hopes for these titles but I have yet to see a single poster saying they hope or they predict these games will bomb tho. It seems like it's all in your head at this point :P The only reason why I even asked the question is because I saw simillar comments from you and some other member in COMG thread also. You guys have imaginary ill wishers

Well they appear close enough, but the people who want them to bomb wouldn't actually come on here and say it.  I think you mean me and kopstudent you refering too in the COMG thread?  Just because you haven't seen a post wanting these to bomb doesn't mean there aren't any.  I don't high hopes I have mediumish hopes, I hope DKCR to do 300,000 First week in USA and kirby's epic yarn 200,000, I think these numbers aren't too ludrcrous.

Again what's up with the random accusations. If you haven't seen anyone say it or even predict it, why say it? It's like me saying hey to think people hoped x game would bomb, when there weren't any except I was 'imagining' there were some. It's just a bit silly don't you think? It seems to me like you want others to think like that so you can prove em wrong or something when in reality no one has even suggested such a thing. That's all I'm pointing out, unless you have at least some proof, you can imagine anything all you want, doesn't mean it's true and you definately can't say it as if it was fact.

Nail on the head.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey