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amp316 said:

My theory is that aliens are people from the future that have already witnessed a nuclear war and that by traveling faster than the speed of light are going back in time.  They are trying to warn us about the future.  Notice how they showed in Roswell, NM where there was a ton of nuclear testing nearby.  The reason that they look the way they do is because of evolution.  Their craniums are larger because of the need for a larger brain capacity and their jaws are nearly non-existant because they get sustenance from pills and liquids.  I still haven't figured out the whole anal probing thing though.  That remains a great mystery to me. 

I don't think Roswell was aliens, I think Roswell was the best cover up ever. A cover up of a cover up if you like.

The debris at Roswell was supposed to actually be equipment that was to be used for testing whether the soviets were testing nukes according to a government report in the 90's. Obviously at the height of the cold war such developments had to remain top secret, so when rumours surfaced that it was a UFO the military did nothing to stop it, even encourage it at times. It was a lot more convenient for people to think that than find out what it really was. Also the fact that it was to be used for detecting nukes and was still an experiment explains why it was so close to the USA test sites.

Anyway, that's what I think. But I like your idea about time travelers too.