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Nairu said: Have you seen a video of the American version? its quite unexpected.

Have you seen a video of "uncut" Manhunt 2 violence? You probably haven't, because it caused problems and had to be edited all over the world. Manhunt was AOed in the States - this won't be. They won't cut it in America cause they know it would kill sales there. Well, honestly, it should kill sales here too.

But yes, I have seen videos of that. And I don't consider it any more violent than Kill Bill, which got a 16+ rating across most of Europe. Both have deliciously stylized, over the top violence. Removing that is killing the artistic beauty of the game.

To me it all boils down to this: there were only two games ever that got banned by the BBFC, Carmageddon, which was later overturned, and Manhunt 2. Are you seriously going to tell me you're of the opinion that this is the 3rd more violent game in the history of video gaming? Come on.

Reality has a Nintendo bias.