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As I was driving in Coolum along the coast's main road past the town, I was pulled over.

I wasn't drinking and I was under the speed limit.

They told me to get out the car, and verbally abused the fuck out of me, they said "Have you got a small dick mate?"

I replied: "huh?"

Cops: "Is that why you bought a car like this to compensate for a small dick"

Me: "What, no I like nice cars that's why I bought it"

Cops: "Are you being a fucking smartass mate, it's dickheads like you that kill people on the roads"

Me: "How was I doing anything wrong?"

Cops: (Ignoring my question) "You realize driving at 160kph on the main road you're gonna wrap yourself around a fucking tree"

Me: "I wasn't speeding"

Cops: "I bet you do though, you look like the kind of dickhead that would"

*10 minutes later of insane verbal abuse*

Cops: "I hope you learnt something today, I take pleasure in taking license off people like you"

The wrote me a $240 fine and 2 demerit points.

At the end of it I managed to decipher the cops 6th grade handwriting on my fine and it turns out I was "Driving in a way that made unnecessary noise"

It does has a loud exhaust but it's within the law.

All I was doing was driving innocently past them, this is absolute bullshit, and I was unfairly targeted just because I am a young driver with a rare 'stands out like a dogs ass' sports car.