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Rath said:
pizzahut451 said:
Rath said:

No this statistic was done on the proportion of atheists in jail in the United States as opposed to the general population.

Which still proves my point, if you really want to narrow it down it proves that Atheists in the United States have morals.

I never once denied that. I was just saying that that statistic doesnt rise atheists above the others or vice versa.

And btw, just because someone is not an atheist doesnt mean he or she believes in God of any kind. Ever heard of agnostics?

The agnostic thing is actually a bit of a misconception that most people have, agnostocism in its simplest definition is the belief that it's impossible to know for certain if there is a god. It doesn't actually define your position on whether or not you believe that one exists.

I think you're talking about the people who haven't made up their mind as to whether or not god exists, I'm not sure if there is actually a proper term for that.

For example I'm both agnostic and atheist.


Also I never claimed that atheists were more moral than anybody else, because I don't believe that they are. I simply believe that they are no less moral than anybody else.

thats exactly what i believe as well.