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Following the news last week that Sony sold around 140,000 units of Move hardware in the first few days,

we can reveal that as of the September 25th over 300,000 units have now been sold, around 40%

in the Americas and the remainder in EMEAA (Europe, Middle-East, Asia and Africa) -

Japan has to wait until October 21st for Move.

Sports Champions (bundled with the Move pack in America and with some hardware packs in Europe) has now

sold over 250,000 copies - by far the most successful Move compatible title to date and selling at over an

80% attach rate at this early stage. Sports Champions is clearly the early driver for Move hardware sales

although as more software becomes available and new bundles are introduced we expect the attach rate

to decrease.

Stay tuned to VGChartz for the latest PlayStation Move sales news.



Very good numbers.

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