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Rath said:
pizzahut451 said:
kowhoho said:

I never insulted ALL statistics ever made. I just said that that one statistic sucked. I have absolutely nothing agaisnt the statistics as long as they are good, accurate and unbiased.

And i understood what you wanted to say. But you still cant say that an atheist is less likely to comitt a crime either. An individual atheist is less likley to comitt a crime? Probably. Atheists as a group of people are less likely to comitt crime and are more richer than other people? HELL NO! Thats why that argument is dumb IMO.  To say that atheists are less likely to comitt a crime than christians or muslims or jews is wrong.

And let me put that really simple for you: A good christian is a good person who believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ. A person who steales, rapes, kills, aussaults people is NOT a real chrisitan, regardless if he believes in Jesus or not. Thats the way God sees things, and thats the way i see them too.

The reason an individual atheist is less likely to commit a crime is because of the statistics taken from the group. It is not however down to beliefs, merely demographics. Atheists are less likely to commit a crime because generally they are quite highly educated and have a fairly high income, it isn't their belief that makes them less likely to commit a crime.

Also your argument is classic 'no true Scotsman'.

Just like an individual atheist is less likely to comitt a crime, there is also an individual christian or muslim or jew that is less likely to comitt a crime. Simple. But none of the both WHOLE groups of people are less likely to comitt a crime than the other.