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hatmoza said:
Mummelmann said:
hatmoza said:

They have morals, respect isn't one of them.

Are you saying that people of faith are more respecful than those who lack faith? I can certainly attest to the opposite in my life and my country. Respect has nothing to do with religion, respect is taught in the home and depends more on social norm and skills, pedagogue content in the upbringing and overall relation to the world around you and/or different factions and people.

yes. Especially the one's who grew up religious, and became atheist later in life. At least from what I experienced, they just have a certain hate towards all religions.

I know I'm stepping on toes because a lot of active VGC members are atheist, but that's just the way I see it. And I'm sorry.

Don't feel sorry for having an opinion, debate sites like this would never exist if people agreed on everything.

Think about this for now; why did these people turn from religion? Don't you think that perhaps they experienced something profound or disturbing or at the very least unsettling that causes this hate for religious people? My ex girlfriend comes from a deeply religious family, two of her siblings followed the same path as her and don't believe in a God or deity and three of the siblings are deeply religious like their parents. The parents treat their children differently according to their faith in this family (and many others), causing conflicts and jealousy. The children in this case are left with two choices; conform to their parents' faith and succumb to their "will" or live forever before disapproving glances and frowns from their own father and mother. I'm not saying that this is the case in religious every family, but there are millions of children and young adults faced with this problem all over the world, so to me it is clear to see why there are some atheists who look down on or even hate religious people. If one guy with a turban mugs you, you'll start mistrusting anyone and everyone with a turban (this is slightly exaggerated for the sake of making a point here). Most religious people aren't like this but if a catholic priest molests you when you're young you won't hold catholics in high regard or if an atheist makes fun of you for your beliefs you'll assume that atheists all behave this way. Suggestion and social perception is often based on heavily biased information flow and standalone, personal experience that objectively reveal nothing more than that people are bastards sometimes, regardless of faith or lack thereof.

Personally, I'm fine with people finding God in their life but I think that everyone that grows up should be able to make a choice and observe and interpret based on objective criteria and not what your parents, tradition or some sect or congregation says.